December 28, 2023
How do you know where God is leading you this year? What does it look like to “step out” in faith? I like the word "step out" because faith is action.
Faith is not just believing something. Faith is action. You can believe a plane is safe to fly, but you don't have faith in it unless you get on board. You can believe a chair will hold you up, but you don't really have faith in it unless you sit down in it. It's an action step. It's more than just saying, "I believe." It’s more than just believing IN Jesus. I mean, the devil believes in Jesus. You must put your FAITH IN Jesus. There’s a difference. Faith means more than just knowing about Him; it means committing yourself TO Him, letting God be number one in our life, calling the shots, the CEO, the chairman of the board, helping us make the right decisions.
Joshua 1:9 This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
You have no way to control the future. We don't even know what it is much less control it. But the good news is, God is in control. So, this New Year, you can make the choice to “step out” in faith. Start heading in the direction that you feel God is leading you… even without all the answers… even if all you see is the “next step”… take it.
Still unsure where God is leading you? I encourage you to stay in God’s Word. There’s lots of direction in the Bible. If you need a place to start, start there. Then, be in tune with the Holy Spirit each day, praying for guidance and direction every step along the way. He will be faithful to lead you as you step out in faith daily. He may not give you the next ten steps, but if you take the first one, he will continue to be the Good Shepherd and lead you along the right path.
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